Category: Review
Exploring the Skies: A Review of Flight: The Complete History of Aviation
If you’re passionate about aviation or simply curious about the journey from the Wright brothers’ first flight to the modern marvels that connect our world, Flight: The Complete History of Aviation by R.G. Grant is a must-have. This book is more than just a history lesson—it’s a beautifully crafted tribute to human ingenuity and the…
Living the Dream at 35,000 Feet: Why I’m (Playfully) Jealous of Christian Van Heijst
Let’s get one thing straight from the start: I’m jealous. Not in a bitter way, but in that lighthearted, “I-wish-I-could-do-that” kind of way. After all, how could I not be when Christian Van Heijst has the ultimate dream job? He flies the Boeing 747—yes, the Queen of the Skies—while also capturing some of the most…